
Sunday, February 7, 2021

Bitcoin Cloud Mining sites

 Bitcoin Cloud Mining

You can find detailed information about what is Bitcoin cloud mining and how it is done here. However, to summarize, it can be called Bitcoin mining service where the mining income of Bitcoin mining devices purchased or leased online is shared with the customer.

There are companies that have been doing this service for years, and there are also fraudulent companies that say they do this job but do not actually "do". Timely many people in Turkey have been defraud companies. You can find the article on how to understand these companies here. As CoinTurk, we have made an analysis on those companies who actually work on time, you can reach our analysis here.

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Bitcoin cloud mining companies unfortunately closed many packages in 2018, when the Bitcoin price was on the downward trend, and those companies that could not maintain their profitability withdrew from the market. Today, Bitcoin cloud mining companies, which have become profitable again with the increase in the price of Bitcoin, have started to be the rising trend.

We will evaluate the profitability of the packages offered by Bitcoin cloud mining companies, which have been known in the market for many years, for you. This assessment was made in August 2019. The values ​​may have changed on the date you read the article; but basically the computational logic proceeds unchanged in the same way.

What About Cloud Mining Companies Now?


The brother of a company like Bitmain that mass-produces and sells Bitcoin mining devices to the world, Hashnest is probably one of the most trusted companies in the Bitcoin cloud mining industry.

Unfortunately, it is not Bitcoin mining power, you can buy Bitcoin mining power by buying it on devices manufactured by Bitmain or you can buy TH from the active exchange at instantly changing prices.

The device currently on sale is the AntminerS17pro device with 50 TH / S power. The selling price of the device is $ 3499, and the cost per 1 TH / S is $ 69.98. It is stated that a daily maintenance fee of $ 0.0828 per TH / S will be charged for this device. Calculating on an income of 0.24 $ per day, we can say that the daily net income is 0.15 $ after deducting the maintenance cost. With such a calculation, ROI can be calculated as 466 days.


We can say that Genesis firm is actually the first service provider to handle Bitcoin cloud mining as a truly corporate company. Founded in 2013, the company has probably made thousands of dollars to many people.

Genesis Mining, a package sale, sells two types of contracts. Both types of contracts are limited to 18 months. But the main difference is that with the "Classic" package the maintenance fee is $ 0.15 per 1 TH / S per day. In the "Zero" package, there is no maintenance fee, but the price is high. Let's analyze both packages over 1 TH / S with you.

Even though we think that at least 3 TH / S is allowed in the Classic package, let's do our analysis by saying “I always buy 1 TH / S”. The price we have to pay for the Classic package for 1 TH / S is $ 46.33. We will earn $ 0.24 per day for 1 TH / S. It will be our daily income of $ 0.09, which we deduct the daily maintenance expense. In terms of the return of the investment, we can calculate a time frame that we have to wait patiently, such as 514 days, according to the ROI calculation. Our contract expires, but our investment cannot return. We assume that the level of difficulty does not increase.

For the Zero package, 1 TH / S comes to $ 135.33. Since there is no maintenance fee, if we calculate with 0.24 $ revenue, the ROI shows the days when the patience stone will crack, such as 563 days.


Hashflare is a company that has been operating in the sector for a long time and actually established turnkey mining systems, but it is a company that has switched to cloud mining service. Currently, there is no package on sale, but let's take a look at the last package on sale.

It sold its smallest package at 10 GH / S for US $ 0.6. The maintenance cost is $ 0.0035 / 10 GH / h / 24 hours. The package includes 1 year of service. It ends either after 1 year or when mining revenue does not cover maintenance costs.

Let's make our calculations over 1 TH / S mining power. When we pay $ 60 for 1 TH / S, our daily Bitcoin mining income will be $ 0.24 per day based on the current difficulty. Since the maintenance cost will be $ 0.35, this package directly writes a loss. The reason for the package not being sold is understood.


A relatively new company to its competitors, Hashing24 has been cloud mining Bitcoin for a reasonable time. We included it in our analysis because there are elements such as company information, accepting credit cards and sharing daily.

For those who say I always buy 1 TH / S in its 24-month package, it sells 1TH / S for $ 68.4. It offers maintenance fee at $ 0.00015 per 1 GH / S. It charges a daily maintenance fee of $ 0.15 for 1 TH / S. Mining income 0.24

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